Why write a blog? Narcissism?
One thing about hunting, it brings up interesting conversations. If done right, it can be an antidote for narcissism. Politics not so much. That is why I am trying to make politics hold zero interest for me (unless some politician is trying to make bad public policy on hunting). For me, this is hard. I have convictions. But there is something else that is true: somethings are just not worth discussing. Hunting is always worth discussing. Anything we do out in the real world is worth discussing. Did you build something? That is worth discussing. Did you go hunting and get a critter? That is worth discussing. Did you achieve something special? That is worth discussing (so long as we're not bragging). Are you like my wife who does real things all day long? That is worth discussing.
One guy I really respect just wrote a book. His facebook status was classic. "My sons are doing (x, y, z) and experiencing life altering and important events. I just sent off another book to the publisher that probably didn't need to be written. Don't tell the editor."
I don't name names, but if there is a good university library near you, this guy's books are on the shelves.
The dude is smarter than me plus the five other people I may be around at any given time put together. You know what he puts on the internet? Stuff like the above, pictures of dead deer (yeah...more than I have...), and "Go Pack" when the Packers play. That is the guy we should seek to be like.
What we "think" about this or that topic, our opinions, our "values," our stances, etc. etc., really isn't that interesting to other people, and that is as it should be. Just who are we to think our opinions matter? They really don't. "No one cares" is absolutely right. If our opinions mattered that much, we would write books... and people would buy them.
Or they would at least end up on some library shelf...
So why write a blog? Is it narcissism run amok? There are people out there with way more deer to their credit than me. Let them write a blog. This guy is already out there, the journey already undertaken.
The other day I was at work, and the subject of hunting came up with a coworker. Dangerous. I should have known better. But before I knew it I was talking about these amazing venison tacos my wife cooked last night, and we know where that conversation leads. This particular colleague I respect highly, and on everything that matters: the things she does (her job, her job performance, her ability to have her colleagues back if necessary....) she does well. Her political opinions I respect, but I don't agree with a single one of them usually. I was nervous as can be as hunting came up. What was I DOING!?
As the topic came up, something happened that was just amazing. She began to talk about organ meat, and how good Venison Kidneys were. Her father was a hunter, and took her shooting starting at the age of 13. I had just written about this! She knew about field dressing, the importance of eating what we take (or donating it to the food banks), the intricacies of fire-arms (I am a bow hunter). We had an extremely interesting, and edifying conversation.
It struck me then that hunting is about doing something real, like building a deck or starting a business, and it's always okay to talk about doing, so long as we are actually doing (and not pretending or bragging). How often do we really come across a vicious anti? Not often... and even if we do, anti's really aren't worth our time anyway. If someone has calmly told them that a doe will drop two fawns a season, and that the deer have no natural predators, and that to keep populations thriving, successful, and healthy, hunters need to use their tags, and they still don't get it, chances are they probably won't. The key here is to learn when to walk away from those conversations. You won't convince a died in the wool vegan anti that you are anything but a murderer. Just move on and don't antagonize.
But if you are passionate, have a hint of co-dependency, just have to have to have to prove that you are right, then you will have difficulty walking away from that conversation as it turns away from doing, and turns into an ideological battle. You will try like hell to convince the anti, and, especially if the conversation is online, all you will achieve is alienating a bunch of people. It just isn't worth it. Trust me, it is a lesson I have learned too many times the hard way. Telling yourself "no one cares" is really good medicine. It keeps you in check. You will only fight fights that really need fighting that way. Who wants to anger someone to the point where they are accusing you of murder?
Or, if you want to live dangerously, read this and put it into practice: fair warning, you won't have many friends. Unless you really really truly don't care what people think about you though, it my be a very tough road to embark on. It can be hard on a spouse trying to fit in with some friends who don't like hunting for instance.
So what is the solution? Hunting is the solution.
I am serious here. Hunting is real: like building a deck, starting a business, planting a garden. Hunting is doing. It isn't fake. It isn't an argument about our worthless thoughts and opinions, no matter how dearly held. It isn't an ideological struggle. It isn't wasted time typing at a keyboard (This advice only applies to "writers" who are not "writers...." like me... Writers DO at the keyboard.)
Whatever you do, forget politics. It is evil, like a disgusting emotional quagmire.
It's time to stop the nonsense. BREATHE. Do something real and authentic. Get up and do something. Hunt, fish, hike, start a business, build something, achieve something, and maybe then write about it... maybe.
Who knows, perhaps someone will care enough to read your words then, because they will be about something real. Get out there...now... and hunt.
That is where I am going first thing in the morning on Saturday.
And for goodness sake, if you are going to vote (NO ONE is saying you have to), vote for the guy or gal less likely to take away your freedom to DO things: build, hunt, plant, and do something real... if you can find such a candidate... I don't think either party makes them.
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